Diarrhea, or watery stools, may be embarrassing and occur at the worst moments, for example during a holiday or special event.

Nevertheless, while diarrhea frequently improves on its own within two to three days, a few treatments will help to encourage faster firmer stools.

Keep reading to learn about five fast-acting methods, along with advice usually for diarrhea and prevention.

1. Anti-diarrheal medication


Some people see diarrhea as nothing more than a mild nuisance and let it run its course, particularly when some bouts last under 24 hours.

You can stay close to home or a toilet, loading up fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration.


But what if you can't stay home?

For this case, after the first dose, taking an anti-diarrheal medication can reduce or eliminate the loose stools completely. Look for over-the-counter products such as rifagut or Pepto-Bismol that have the loperamide and bismuth subsalicylate ingredients, respectively.

The active ingredient in Imodium works quickly, as it slows down fluid movement through the intestines. This will restore normal bowel function quickly. In comparison, Pepto-Bismol helps destroy bacteria that cause diarrhea in your intestines.

2. Rice water

Rice water is another fast and effective diarrhea remedy. Boil about 10 minutes with 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water, or until the water is cloudy.

Strain the rice and conserve drinking water. Not only does rice water supply moisture to your body to avoid dehydration, it can also reduce the length of the diarrhea. In the digestive tract, rice water has a binding effect which results in firmer, bulkier stools.


3. Probiotics

Taking a probiotic supplement or consuming probiotic foods such as some yogurt brands can also avoid diarrhea.

Diarrhea is often the result of an imbalance in the intestinal bacteria. Probiotics help restore equilibrium by supplying a greater amount of healthy bacteria. This can promote normal functioning of the intestine and reduce the duration of diarrhea.


4. Antibiotics

Bacterial or parasite diarrhoea may require an antibiotic. Diarrhea may occur in this case after coming into contact with contaminated food or water, sometimes during travel.

Note antibiotics are ineffective when diarrhea is caused by viral infections. This type of diarrhea needs to continue its course.


5. BRAT diet

Also a diet known as BRAT can relieve diarrhea quickly.

BRAT stands for bananas, toast, rice, applesauce. Due to the bland nature of those foods and the fact that they are starchy, low-fiber foods, this diet is effective.

These foods have a binding effect of making stools more bulky in the digestive tract. And because they're bland, they 're less likely to irritate your stomach, or make diarrhea worse.

You may also eat (similarly bland) saltine crackers, clear broth, and potatoes along with those products.


What typically causes diarrhea?

Understanding the diarrhea cause can help you avoid future bouts. Popular triggers encompass:


Stomach Virus

One cause of the diarrhea is viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu). You may have, with watery stools ,:

  • stomach pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • low-grade fever


Such viruses include norovirus and rotavirus, which may grow or share personal objects with an infected person after consuming or drinking contaminated food.



Sensitivity to certain medicines can cause diarrhea bouts as well. It can take vaccines, pain relievers or cancer-fighting medications. When purchasing medicine online, we recommend safehealths pharmacy it is a trusted online pharmacy.


Foodborne illness

Also called food poisoning, if you eat food contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or toxins, you may develop diarrhea. Food-borne diseases can include those caused by bacteria such as:

  • Salmonella
  • E. coli
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Clostridium botulinum (botulism)


Food allergy or sensitivity

Diarrhea can grow if you are lactose intolerant after consuming dairy products. Between these are milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurt.

Having an allergy to or reaction to the food can also cause diarrhea. For example, after eating foods containing gluten - wheat, pasta, or rye, you may get diarrhea.


Artificial sweeteners

This is a minorly recognized cause of diarrhea. Yet if you're susceptible to artificial sweeteners, after eating foods or beverages containing such sweeteners, you may have a bout of diarrhea. Artificial sweeteners can be used in food drinks, sugar-free foods, chewing gum and even some candy.


Digestive problems

Diarrhea often constitutes a symptom of digestive disorders. If you are diagnosed with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, you might get frequent bouts of loose stools. Irritable bowel syndrome can also cause alternating diarrhea and constipation outbreaks.


Diarrhea prevention tips

Diarrhea is contagious caused by a virus or bacterial infection. You should protect yourself with:

  • washing your hands frequently
  • avoiding sick people
  • disinfecting commonly touched surfaces
  • not sharing personal items


If after you start a new medication you have diarrhea, ask your doctor about an alternative drug or possibly lower your dosage.

You may also protect yourself before preparation by cooking food thoroughly, and by washing fruits and vegetables. Make sure you know how to wash your hands properly, too.

Use warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds, and wash your hands. When water is not available using a hand sanitizer based on alcohol.

Keep a food newspaper and write down everything you consume for a few weeks to recognize potential food allergies or sensitivities Make a list of the days you're getting diarrhea.

Holding a food log will help decide whether you have a gluten allergy or a lactose intolerance. Then you can try the diet on elimination. Remove suspected foods from your diet, and see if your symptoms are getting better.

If you feel your current therapy is not working, talk with your doctor about a digestive disorder. You may need to get your prescription changed.

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